FSAAFM Projects (Swartkop )
The FSAAFM Swartkop Branch only has a few ongoing projects. These include the static restoration condition of a Supermarine Spitfire Mk IX. All of our ongoing projects are static displays found at the Museum and not flying or airworthy aircraft.
Spitfire restoration project:
The Spitfire restoration project is a project to restore a Spitfire Mk IX that unfortunately crashed at an air show in May 2000 due to an engine failure. The FSAAFM has been tasked with managing the restoration project as well as generating funds so that this warbird can be restored to her former glory.
More information available at https://spitfire-restoration.co.za/
The project leader is Ian Grace.
5518 in her glory days
Spitfire Restoration Banner
5518 in her glory days
QR coded display board project:
This project involves adding archived footage of SAAF Museum aircraft located on Youtube on the display board for every aircraft so that visitors to the Museum can have a more interactive experience by scanning a QR code on their smartphones and learning more about displays and aircraft.
The project leader is Matthew Olivier.
Example for the F1CZ Display
Example for the F1CZ Display
Hangar cleaning/ monthly upkeep:
Every month. the FSAAFM tries to clean all the hangars containing static displays before the monthly training days.
The project leader is Ian Grace.